In this video, I explain why you may struggle initially to get a global talent visa and what your other options are.
- Sometimes your profile is not strong enough YET, to get you over the line for a global talent – or promise – visa.
- The main reason, which many people fall foul of, is having a services-type business, rather than a product-based experience.
- In previous videos I have explained the exclusions under the global talent visa:
So if you have consultancy experience, this does not generally qualify, even if you meet the other criteria.
Now a great solution can be to start on the start-up or innovator visa, and then switch.
So the switch here would be at year 2, for example. This would mean that you would not need to be endorsed again at the end of the innovator term, and you do not have to meet the innovator criteria for indefinite leave to remain.
Usually if I have a long lead in time with a client, with my guidance, they can get to a position where they can be endorsed for global talent WELL within that period.
The time on the innovator visa WILL count towards the 3 years you need to get ILR under the global talent route.
Be careful though. Time on the start-up visa will not count towards the 3 years for ILR, so you would have to reset the clock once you were on global talent.
Now I will share an insight with you that I learned from assisting a client recently.
Make sure you check all the guidance before applying. The rules, for example, do not expressly permit time spent on a sole representative visa towards the qualifying 3 years that you need to get ILR on the Global Talent visa.
BUT the guidance does permit it, and I have done this successfully with a client.